
Macaroni Made ~ Superbowl Shakers

By Michelle Melnik, Deerfield/Greenfield, MA Publisher Mom February 2, 2012

For the Super Bowl, we wanted to do a special craft.  A craft that makes a lot of fantastic noises when your team gets a TOUCHDOWN!!  Your little football fans will get a kick out of these jersey shakers.

What you will need:

- Cardstock or construction paper
- Scissors
- Rice
- Glue and tape
- Crayons, markers, football stickers, computer printouts, football logos, numbers, letters, etc. for decorating the jerseys
- Craft stick

What to do:

1.  Fold a piece of cardstock or construction paper in half, and cut out a jersey shape without cutting the fold.

2.  Decorate the jerseys using crayons, markers, print outs from the computer, numbers, football logos, etc.  You could also have letters for adding names to the jersey.

3.  Glue the edges of the jersey, leaving an opening at the top.  You could also add extra tape around the outside so there are no small openings.

4.  Add rice to the opening at the top.  Once the rice is added use glue or tape at the top to close the opening.

5.  Add a craft stick.

6.  Have a parade before kick-off, and shake, rattle and cheer for your favorite team!!