
25+ Books of Christmas for Children

One for each night leading up to the big day!

By Angela McConville, Greenville SC Publisher Mom, with intro by Anna Hall November 29, 2012

Forget those advent calendars with chocolate or cheap trinkets.  Give your child the gift of books and special time with you each night by creating a Christmas book advent calendar instead.  Below is a list to get you started; wrap up a book for each evening leading up to December 25th and have your children unwrap one a night to read together.   You can use any Christmas books you may already have or use those borrowed from the library or purchased for cheap at the thrift store.  A new Christmas tradition, perhaps?

  1. How The Grinch Stole Christmas
  2. Mr Willowby's Christmas
  3. Merry Christmas, Curious George
  4. Charlie Brown Christmas
  5. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
  6. The Mitten
  7. The Very Fairy Princess: A Very Merry Christmas
  8. The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever
  9. Froggy's Best Christmas
  10. The Little Christmas Elf
  11. A Wish to be a Christmas Tree
  12. The Sweet Smell of Christmas
  13. Turkey Claus
  14. The Berenstein Bears Meet Santa Claus
  15. Mater Saves Christmas
  16. Thomas's Christmas Delivery
  17. Olivia Helps with Christmas
  18. Mickey Saves Christmas
  19. A Very Krusty Christmas (Spongebob)
  20. Curious George Christmas Countdown
  21. A Very Crabby Christmas (Dr. Seuss/Cat in the Hat)
  22. The Berenstein Bears and the Joy of Giving
  23. The Polar Express
  24. The Night Before Christmas
  25. Christmas Remembered
  26. Santa Claus
  27. Olive the other Reindeer
  28. The Christmas Miracle
  29. The Teddy Bear
  30. Corduroy's Christmas

and many, many more.  Comment below with your favorite titles missing from the list above...