
I Love You Because...

A heartfelt Valentine's Day message

By Christel Hoydic, Middletown CT Publisher February 13, 2014

Valentine's Day is all about those three words that everyone should hear every day: I LOVE YOU!  Here's a cute way of telling your husband and/or kids exactly what you love most about them.  Best part, you can put this together quickly at the last minute to surprise them with on Valentine's Day morning.

What to do:

  • Create a large heart from colored paper with the words "I love you because..." written on it.
  • Next, prepare smaller hearts for each thing you love about your special someone. 
  • Tape hearts to their bedroom door, the fridge, the bathroom mirror or where ever you'd like.

This also works well as a special countdown to Valentine's Day, with a new message added each day from February 1st through February 14th. 

Create memories. Share love. Encourage smiles. There's no better way to start the day.


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