
The Switch Witch Comes to Charlotte ~ Box Set Giveaway!

Q & A with author & mom Audrey Kinsman

October 9, 2014

Halloween traditions such as searching for the best costumes, scoring the biggest pumpkin or being spooked have existed since the late 19th century. It’s only in recent decades that children have taken trick-or-treating to the extreme -- collecting and eating obscene amounts of candy. With over $1.9 billion in Halloween candy sold each year, parents need a little help to keep their kids from an overwhelming sugar high. So, what's a parent to do? 

Author Audrey Kinsman brings a new Halloween tradition into the mix this season with Switchcrafted: The Story of the Switch Witches of Halloween. Available nationwide on, this hardcover book and Switch Witch doll will encourage your little ones to switch out their extra pounds of Halloween candy for a “must-have” toy. Think Elf on the Shelf for Halloween! Also think less sugar highs, tummy aches and dentist bills!!  Read on for a chance to win the box set!

We chatted with Kinsman who shares some inside scoop on the spellbinding Switch Witches!

Why did you write Switchcrafted?

“Switchcrafted updates a classic holiday tradition and incorporates it into real-life parenting. Getting my kids involved in the magic of Halloween during the entire month of October, verses the quest for the biggest bag of candy on Halloween night, was my motivation.  My own family suffers from allergies like celiac disease and lactose intolerance therefore the majority of candy was off-limits.  I needed to find a fun alternative to keep the tradition alive.”

"As a working mom, my day job is in finance, writing Switchcrafted offered me a creative outlet and a way to take something that was so fun for my kids (the magic of Halloween) and share it with families everywhere"

How does Switchcrafted work?

"The Switch Witch has magic powers; in fact, she has the ability to switch out candy for toys, and although she has spells for everything, she doesn't have a spell for candy.  The way Switchcrafted works is that during the month of October, you read the book with your kids, name your Switch Witch, and have her hang around your family and remind your children to be on best behavior. On Halloween night, when your kids are done trick-or-treating, they leave out their trick-or-treat bag full of candy and a note for their Switch Witch, and SHE will switchcraft it for a toy."

What should you do with the extra candy?

"When it comes to the extra candy, we like to say 'Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.' You can re-cycle the candy into fun science experiments for the kids (or wine & candy pairings for the adults!) Re-purpose the candy and create some spooky snacks like Boo Bananas or Chocolate Pretzel Skeletons. Or you can recycle the candy by donating to existing programs like Operation Gratitude or Halloween Candy Buy Back."

Can you share a synopsis of the book with us?

On a cold and windy Halloween evening, children everywhere asked “Why are witches part of Halloween?”  The story needed to be told, and the children deserved an answer.  Witches are part of Halloween because they desperately need your candy!

In the mysterious world of cauldron bubbles, flying broomsticks and black cats, witches cast their spells turning nobles into beasts, straw into gold and magic lamps into wish-giving genies.  Staying up late and flying a broomstick to conduct all of these tasks requires lots and lots of energy.  And for witches, energy only comes from candy--any kind of candy to be precise!  But the one spell that no witch can ever cast is the candy spell!

During the month of October, the Switch Witch is invited into your home.  Show her your best behavior and she gets the go-ahead from the Switch Witches to perform the magic of Switchcraft on Halloween night.  She takes your candy in exchange for a new toy! 

“Remember that only good kids can trade,
         So be on your best behavior and a Switchcraft will be made” 

Don't miss these two local opportunities to meet SwitchCrafted author (and mom!) Audrey Kinsman and hear the tales of the Switch Witches of Halloween!

  • Sunday, October 12 from 12pm - 2pm at Hall Family Farm, 10713 Providence Road West in Charlotte. Enjoy a book reading and a meet & greet! Contact the farm at 704.562.4021 for more information.
  • Monday, October 13th at 11:30am at Park Road Books, 4139 Park Road in Charlotte. Enjoy a book signing, author meet-and-greet, and photo ops! Contact the store at 704-525-9239 for more information.

Hook up with the Switch Witches of SwitchCrafted on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram and visit for more Switchcrafted fun! 

WIN the Switchcrafted box set!  To enter, simply comment below telling us what your kids are dressing as for Halloween! For a second entry, share this article on your wall or any posts about this giveaway on our Facebook page and let me know below that you did.  Be sure to use a valid email address which will be used to contact the winner.  Contest ended at 11:59pm on Monday, October 13th; congrats to our winner, Kimberly Bolick!

Disclaimer: I received this product at no charge for the purpose of this article.