The Valdese Recreation Department will be hosting the Granville Morrow Memorial Fish Day at McGalliard Falls on Saturday, May 19th, 2018 from 9am to 1pm for ages 4 -12. NOTE: Due to inclement weather, this event has been rescheduled to June 9th.
Kids will have fun fishing for trout in McGalliard Falls Creek and enjoy a fish fry (hot dogs for those who aren't fish lovers), and best of all, it's FREE. Parents may register their child by calling the VRD at 828-879-2132 or they may register on the day of the event starting at 8:15am. Tickets will be issued at the park Saturday morning and all participants must have a ticket to fish. Regulations for this event include:
- limit of seven fish per child,
- no artificial lures or treble hooks, Rooster Tails,
- one fishing pole per child, and
- be registered and have a ticket to fish.
Winners of the biggest fish caught in each age group will receive a trophy after the event ends at 1pm. The general public may fish after 3pm.
A fish fry sponsored by the American Legion Post 234 will be held during the event. All participants are asked to donate some fish back towards the fish fry so there will be plenty of fish for all. Hot dogs will also be served.
In case of inclement weather, the rain date is June 2nd.
For more information or to register, please call the Valdese Recreation Department at 828-879-2132.