
Indoor Fun on a Snow (or Cold) Day

By Shelly Cain, Hickory NC Mom & MacKid Guest Writer January 8, 2018

I know that many children love to play in the snow, including my own. Unless you have older children though, that snow play doesn’t seem to last all day. Kids are drawn to T.V. and video games, if you let them be. I like to keep busy with other choices instead!

If your child is sick, an indoor type, or you just want to stay inside, here are some suggestions to keep busy on a snow day or when it's too cold to play outside:

  1. Bake cookies or make a special healthy snack together. Speaking for myself, I am often too busy to slow down and make something special with my daughter. She loves to help cook, so a snow day is the perfect chance for a treat.
  2. Read, read, read. I know you saw that one coming, but many young children aren’t read to enough. While it may sound crazy, letting children see you read is important too. If they want T.V. for a little while, pick up a book. Very often, they will be joining you with a book soon enough.
  3. Make a craft or a box “castle”. Most kids love crafts, and they don’t need a ton of supplies. Many times, paper, crayons, and scissors will do. Other household items like large boxes can be used for drawing or imagination. My daughter made a huge Amazon Prime box into a spaceship. 
  4. Write a thank you card or a letter to a family member. Sending cards and letters almost seems like a lost art nowadays. However, I know I love getting mail that isn’t a bill! Take a few minutes on your snow day to let your child brighten someone’s day!
  5. Puzzles, board games, and cards. I loved Monopoly as a child. My little one is currently in the Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, and Go Fish stage. No matter what is their favorite game or puzzle, kids appreciate mom or dad sitting down to play with them.

I know that some of you are hoping for snow days and some of you are definitely not! Either way, it is good to have a plan in place in case these winter days do bring some snowflakes!

Shelly Cain is a guest contributor to Macaroni Kid and a full-time teacher in Alexander County. She is a wife to David and a mother to a spunky 4-year-old girl. She loves to read, write, teach, and learn. Would you like to join our guest writer program too? Find details HERE.


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