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The Catawba County Library’s mobile branch is on the go again!

January 21, 2021

The Catawba County Library’s mobile branch – the Library to Go – is once again sharing services and resources in the Town of Catawba, setting up inside of Redeemer Lutheran Church, ELCA (200 South Main Street) on the first and third Thursdays from 10 am till 2 pm. The next visit will take place on Thursday, January 21.

Visitors to Redeemer Lutheran Church can expect to receive the same excellent customer service and resources of any Catawba County Library location. Patrons are able to sign up for library cards and check out library materials, including books, Playaways, and audiobooks. Patrons may also be excited to learn that items, including DVDs, can be put on hold and picked up from the Library to Go. Computers with internet access are available too, along with one-on-one help with technology, reference, and job and career questions.

The Librarian to Go will be taking safety measures to protect everyone. People who come by are asked to make their stops brief, to sanitize their hands as they come in, and to wear a mask while they’re in the building. Staff will be taking temperatures at the door, and extra masks and hand sanitizer will be available for everyone to use.

The Library to Go brings empowering services and resources beyond library walls and into communities that need them the most. The vehicle expands the library’s capacity to connect with people and provide them access to engaging books and trained librarian assistance. The Librarian to Go guides these outreach efforts and works regularly to build relationships, target areas of need, and partner in the community to bring services, materials, programs, technology resources, and internet access to places without brick-and-mortar branches. In short, the mobile vehicle brings the power of the library to people wherever they are.

The Librarian to Go is currently taking requests for appearances at upcoming community events. To make a request, call 828.465.9489 or fill out the online form at www.catawbacountync.gov/county-services/library/library-to-go/.

In recognition of its ongoing work in the community, the Library to Go was recognized by the Local Government Federal Credit Union with a 2020 Excellence in Innovation Award, given in partnership with the NC Association of County Commissioners. The award honors programs that improve services to citizens and offer innovative examples to other counties.

The Library to Go project is supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the federal Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

For more details about library services and resources, visit www.catawbacountync.gov/library, call 828.465.8664, email mylibrary@catawbacountync.gov, or visit www.facebook.com/catawbacountylibrarysystem.